Europe / World

Little States, Big Stamps

I would like to go on record by saying that a big part of my stamp addiction comes from YouTube. There are so many great accounts churning out excellent content on philately. And it was on one of these videos that I learned about SEPAC.

I had already discovered stamps from small islands like Jersey, Guernsey, and Malta among others. As to why these places have their own stamps and in some cases, their own currency is still something I’m learning about but I was both surprised and at the same time, unsurprised to learn that several of these European states/nations have come together and formed a group. Enter SEPAC.

Started in 1994, The Small European Postal Administration Conference was an opportunity small postal administrations like the ones already mentioned to come together and discuss issues that relate to them. It has now become an annual event. The current members are Aland, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland, Gurnsey, Iceland, Isle of Man, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, and Vatican City.

Every year, SEPAC chooses a theme that member administrations create stamps around. People can then vote on their favorites which will end up in a joint issue presentation booklet that philatelists can then purchase. The most recent release, the 12th joint issue, is themed Old Maps and oh my, it is gorgeous! I purchased mine from the small Norwegian island of Aland. Here are a few pictures of the awesomeness that came in my mailbox.

For more information, visit the SEPAC website

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